Does your dog have symptoms of Separation Anxiety?

Have you read about the high number of dogs who have separation anxiety? Many whose owners are completely unaware? Perhaps your wondering what the symptoms of separation anxiety are so you can check?

Or maybe you’ve had a complaint from your neighbour about your dog barking or howling, or you’ve come back to accidents or destruction.

You’re wondering whether your dog might have separation anxiety.

So, what are the symptoms of Separation Anxiety

  • Sad looking dog with head on tableThe first step is to video your dog when they are home alone so you can actually see what they are doing. Set up a zoom meeting with one device on your dog with you sitting down the road, for example. Or set up a pet cam if you have one.

    Observe your dog over a 20-30 minute period, unless your dog is already very distressed during this time, then cut it short. If your dog shows no signs of anxiety during this time, increase the length of absence to look for other possible triggers of any concerning behaviour.

Look for signs of anxiety throughout the absence. Most separation anxiety symptoms will develop within the first 20-30 minutes, but other anxieties may be triggered at any time.

  • Look for general signs of anxiety. Lip licking, ears pinned back, showing the whites of the eyes, wide eyes, tense and/or lowered body posture. Yawning, pacing, trembling. Their movements might be slower or faster than usual. These signs might happen before you leave as soon as your dog starts to expect you might leave.

  • Your dog might avoid coming in from the garden, going into the area where you normally leave them, or might refuse breakfast or other activities which they’ve paired with you leaving them shortly afterwards.
  • Some dogs will try to stop their owners from leaving by standing in the way of the door, trying to get out of the door with their humans. Some may even panic to the degree that they can become aggressive with their owners at this time.

  • Your dog may whine, howl or bark intermittently or constantly during your time away.

  • It may be that your dog is quiet, or in combination with the above paces up and down. They may run from door to door or try to look out of windows to catch a glimpse of you returning.

  • Shaking/trembing, panting or drooling are also common signs of anxiety, along with toileting inside when your dog wouldn’t normally.

  • Destruction including scratching or chewing at doors and carpets and other items is common. The focus is often, but not always, areas where they watch you leave. Orr thinks they may be able to escape from. Also items that may smell strongly of you.

  • Your dog may be a dog who focuses their stress inwards. For example they may overgroom; licking or nibbling at themselves. Signs may not be at all obvious, more that the issue is a lack of behaviour, or shutting down.

What to do if your dog shows symptoms

If it looks like your dog might have separation anxiety then the main things to remember are that this is not your fault, and that there are things you can do to help your dog and train them to cope better. You are certainly not alone. Separation Anxiety is common. But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do something about it; quite the opposite.

The earlier you make a start on their training the better. The longer the issue goes on, the stronger the association between being alone and anxiety becomes.

  • Find ways of avoiding leaving your dog home alone for now. Speak to friends and neighbours or doggy day care or boarding to create a network of options for care for your dog.
  • Increase your dog’s enrichment and use this to help build independence.
  • Start targeted separation anxiety training DIY or with the support of a suitably qualified professional (did you know your pet insurance may reimburse the fees?).

Search the blog page for “Separation Anxiety” to learn more about separation anxiety and how to treat it. Or check out the separation anxiety page of the website here to find out more about my specialised separation anxiety training packages.

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Separation anxiety training guide