
Teaching your dog to settle (and not just down-stay)

Down Stay vs. Settle - what's the difference and why does it matter? The main difference is the underlying emotional state for the dog, which can also impact their responses. This can be important for anxious dogs, and separation anxiety dogs, when we are trying to train them [...]

2024-01-05T17:46:44+00:00October 18th, 2023|Anxiety, Training|0 Comments

How to get dog nail clipping done with low-stress!

Dogs and nail clipping - a tricky combo? Lots of dogs are very sensitive about having their feet touched, let alone being held to have their nails clipped. Reactions might range from vocalisations, hiding at the very sight of the clippers, or even lashing out aggressively. When it comes [...]

2024-01-05T19:26:55+00:00October 15th, 2023|Dog Enrichment, Training|0 Comments

How to create a safe space for dogs

What counts as a safe space for dogs? When people talk about creating a den or safe space for their dogs, most people picture a crate. If your dog is anxious, then it is better to give your dog lots of options, and let them choose! This way you [...]

2024-01-05T23:20:02+00:00October 27th, 2021|General, Separation Anxiety, Training|0 Comments

Helping a dog who is scared of fireworks

"My dog is scared of fireworks" Many dogs struggle with anxiety during fireworks season. This doesn't mean that we should we just accept it. There are lots of things we can do to help dogs who are anxious of fireworks, and other loud noises. This is something I [...]

2024-01-05T21:09:40+00:00October 25th, 2021|Articles, Training|0 Comments
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